African iGaming Overview


## African iGaming Overview – iGB

H2 Gaming Capital and iGaming Business are excited to unveil the African iGaming Overview.

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**African iGaming Overview**

H2 Gaming Capital and iGaming Business are thrilled to present this African iGaming Overview, a component of our recent African Focus 2018.

This report monitors the advancement of the African iGaming sector since 2003 and projects to 2022.

In contrast to the global iGaming overview released monthly by H2 and iGB, the African region presents a distinct picture.

While general iGaming expansion, particularly mobile expansion, exhibits a clear upward trajectory, the graphs illustrating the proportion of market share held by the legal market are more challenging to decipher.

The African market significantly trails the global market in terms of regulated markets, with approximately 40% of iGaming being legal, compared to roughly 60% globally. However, the pattern reveals regular fluctuations, rather than the clear upward trend observed globally.

This is likely attributed to gambling authorities in African nations being susceptible to implementing poorly considered regulations and tax structures, resulting in previously legal markets transitioning into gray markets as existing operators withdraw.

For instance, the Kenyan government last year announced a 35% tax on gambling operators, which many deemed impractical and asserted it would substantially impact what is currently the most robust iGaming market in Africa.

A significant distinction between Africa and other areas is the prevalence of diverse gaming sectors. Due to the continent’s enthusiasm for soccer, sports wagering reigns supreme. However, in contrast to other regions, casino games have not gained traction in Africa, while lotteries are a close second to sports betting, capturing the largest market share.

## Gambling Capital is a prominent consulting, market research, and data group in the gaming industry. The firm boasts a history of nearly 15 years dedicated to the global gambling sector, and its forecasts significantly influence the perspectives of lawmakers and investors on the worldwide gaming industry.

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