Brazilian Football Star Gabigol Caught in Raid on Illegal Gambling Den


A celebrated Brazilian football player, Gabigol, was apprehended by law enforcement officials following his discovery in an illicit gaming establishment during a law enforcement operation.

The 24-year-old Flamengo forward was located at a site in Vila OlĂ­mpia, Rio de Janeiro, accompanied by approximately 200 individuals. He was escorted to a nearby police precinct for interrogation.

Video evidence disclosed by law enforcement demonstrated that the assembly was in breach of the municipality’s COVID-19 safety regulations. All attendees at the assembly were discharged after providing written declarations and consenting to provide testimony at a subsequent time.

Law enforcement official Eduardo Brotero stated that a specialized unit formed by the state administration had anticipated disbanding an unauthorized gathering but instead exposed the unlawful gaming enterprise.

“Those taken into custody were transported to the police station to give their accounts,” Brotero explained. “The individuals responsible for organizing and managing the event will also be held accountable for offenses related to public health, gambling violations, and breaches of social distancing guidelines.”

Gabigol was absent from his team’s match against Fluminense on Sunday evening, a game that Flamengo was defeated in by a score of 1-0.

Brazil currently holds the unfortunate distinction of having the second-highest COVID-19 mortality rate globally, with over 270,000 fatalities attributed to the pandemic.

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