UK National Lottery Restores iOS App, Android Still in Testing Phase


The United Kingdom’s National Lottery manager, Camelot, has restored its iOS application following a near month-long outage. They have guaranteed users of the app’s functionality and even disseminated an update notification.

Although iPhone users can celebrate, Android users are still in limbo. Camelot states the Android application is undergoing final testing and will be accessible “shortly.” This information was relayed through a targeted message to regular lottery participants.

This entire predicament originated in October when numerous individuals reported app malfunctions. It was inaccurately verifying tickets, both scanned and manually inputted, even informing some victors that they hadn’t won! Camelot was compelled to remove both the iOS and Android apps to rectify the situation.

Camelot encountered significant media scrutiny for its sluggish response to customer grievances. They have attempted to reassure everyone of their commitment to enhancing their online services. They even emphasized that this updated app has undergone rigorous testing by an independent entity to ensure its complete reliability.

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