Allwyn Champions Accessibility and Spinal Cord Injury Research in the 2024 Wings for Life World Run


Allwyn is ecstatic to return for the 2024 Wings for Life World Run, a worldwide gathering occurring on May 5th! They are fully committed to backing this amazing initiative, gathering funds for spinal cord injury studies. As an international collaborator, they will be encouraging runners and raising awareness about this distinctive competition where everyone, irrespective of physical capacity, can have an impact.

The previous year’s event was a major triumph, accumulating an impressive €43 million (approximately $45.8 million!) for investigations and medical trials. This year guarantees to be even grander and more remarkable!

What makes the Wings for Life World Run so extraordinary? There isn’t a conventional finish line! Rather, a digital “Catcher Car” commences 30 minutes following the race start, progressively gaining speed. Once it overtakes you, your run is complete! It’s a potent representation of the quest for a treatment, with everyone, from those using wheelchairs to runners, joined in the pursuit.

As Pavel Turek, Allwyn’s Head of Global Brand, Corporate Communication, and CSR, states, “We are all victors when we unite to run, walk, and champion this incredible cause.”

The chief executive of the British Paralympic Association, Nick Webborn, underscored the significance of accessibility in athletics as the 2024 Paris Paralympics approach. He highlighted that the UK’s Paralympic squad is propelled by the objective of utilizing the influence of athletics to create a more inclusive world for individuals with disabilities. He commended Irwin’s principles and their international running initiative, “Running for Life,” for perfectly reflecting this objective and showcasing the profound effect of engagement.

Irwin is not merely promoting the event in Austria, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, the UK, and the US, but over 7,000 of their staff members will also be donning their running shoes and taking to the streets.

Mark Hermanns, the individual overseeing the wheelchair racing component of “Running for Life,” recounted his personal journey with spinal cord trauma and how profoundly it can alter a person’s existence. He conveyed his aspiration that the collective endeavors of Irwin’s workforce and global participants this year will advance them toward enhancing the lives of those impacted by spinal cord trauma globally.

On a distinct yet equally crucial matter, the Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) has been diligently working as well. Their 2024 UK National Racehorse Week Charity wagering campaign has already amassed an impressive £1.5 million (equivalent to over $18.5 million!) for charitable endeavors.

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